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AUTHORIZATION TO SELL CHAMETZ The undersigned authorizes Avigdor Zev Eckstein of Beis 3770, and/or any agent acting on his behalf, to act in my/our behalf and to sell, before the coming Passover, all my/our chametz as enumerated below, all in accordance with Jewish Law and prevalent Jewish custom. The chametz is found especially at [list address(es)]:
This authorization includes the sale of chametz that is in my/our possession, and also goods that would be delivered to me/us during the period of April 22nd through April 30th of this year, as well as chametz which I/we may own in full or in part through a controlling interest (as defined in all relevant Corporation Acts) in shares of stock in corporations which sell or deal in chametz. All such chametz is to be sold to a non-Jew of the Rabbi’s choosing, within the time that it is still permitted to do so. The purchaser shall also have free access to the chametz or any part thereof, and to any storage area in my/our possession which will be rented to him together with the sale. The place where the chametz is located is to be rented to the buyer for the period of April 22 through April 30th of this year, and the Rabbi is authorized to act as agent for such rental.
Incorporated by reference in this document are the terms and conditions contained in the omnibus bill of sale and rental agreement to be executed by the Rabbi with the non-Jew at the time of the sale. Such terms and conditions shall be deemed as if set forth expressly in this Authorization. Executed without any reservations whether stated or implied, and in good faith: